Evaluation of the "Story-Gami Applications: Let's Fold Learning in Two with Fun" Program in the Framework of Participant Opinions

31 July, 2023


Authors: Ferat YILMAZ, Mustafa Remzi YARDIMCI


Purpose – The aim of this study is to evaluate the activity "Story-Gami Applications: Let's Fold Learning in Two with Fun" according to the opinions of pre-service primary school teachers.

Design/methodology/approach – The present study was conducted in a fully mixed simultaneous equal-status design. Thirty pre-service teachers from seven geographical regions of Turkey participated in the study. The research data were collected with the "Program Evaluation Participant Form" prepared by the researcher. Quantitative data obtained from the evaluation form were analyzed at item level with descriptive statistics such as percentage, frequency and mean. The data obtained from open-ended questions were analyzed by content analysis used in qualitative research.

Findings – According to the opinions of the participants, "Story-Gami Applications: Let's Fold Learning in Two with Fun" activity contributed to pre-service primary school teachers at a high level in cognitive, affective and psycho-motor dimensions. Participants think that story-gami can be used in value teaching, Turkish teaching, mathematics teaching, science teaching and life science teaching. The participants stated that story-gami can have positive effects on students such as attracting attention, having fun, muscle development, communication, creative thinking, reflective thinking, problem solving, permanent learning, establishing a relationship between courses, academic success, development of speaking skills, curiosity, talent discovery. Participants believe that story-gami can be used within the existing educational opportunities, especially in terms of cost, time, physical facilities, audience diversity, etc. Participants stated that the program surprised them, opened their horizons and socialized them.

Originality/value – This study includes the evaluation of a first scientific event organized for the first time in Turkey on how prospective primary school teachers will use story-gami practices in their professional lives.

Keywords: origami, story-gami, TÜBİTAK 2237-A

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Yılmaz, F. & Yardimci, M. R. (2023). Evaluation of the "Story-Gami Applications: Let's Fold Learning in Two with Fun" Program in the Framework of Participant Opinions. Turkish Journal of Qualitative Research, 3(1), 1-16.